Website features to power up product offerings

Wayne Lavender

Your website isn't just a digital storefront; it's a potent sales tool. Selling high-end tech products and services requires an amalgamation of innovation, strategy, and intuitive design. 

This digital world is a swift tide, evolving rapidly every day, so it’s imperative for businesses to keep pace — lest they get washed ashore. 

Here’s a comprehensive guide to website features that can put the wind in your sails and rescue your web sales. Let’s delve into the dos, the don’ts, and the absolute must-haves:

Website features for your wish list

Product configurators

Tech products, especially software and hardware configurations, can be intricate. Offering a product configurator allows potential clients to customise their desired solutions, ensuring they’re investing in exactly what they need. This interactive experience can significantly boost conversion rates.

Pricing sliders

Large tech purchases often come with scalability in pricing. Interactive pricing sliders allow customers to understand cost implications based on various configurations or service levels. It provides clarity and can help expedite the decision-making process.

Virtual demos and walkthroughs

In tech, seeing is believing. Offering real-time demos or interactive walkthroughs of your product or platform can simplify complex offerings and provide tangible insights into the product’s capability.

AI-driven chatbots

Anticipate user queries with AI-powered chatbots that deliver prompt responses, heightening user satisfaction and affording your human team more time for intricate matters. AI-powered chatbots provide immediate assistance, guiding them through the sales funnel. Integrating chatbots with CRM can also capture lead information for subsequent follow-ups.

Testimonial and case study showcase

Highlighting successful implementations and positive feedback from esteemed clients can build credibility. Showcase in-depth case studies with renowned clients to instil confidence in potential customers.

Sales enablement tools

Integrate tools like calendaring software to allow prospects to schedule demos or consultations directly from the site. Additionally, embedding tools like ROI calculators can demonstrate the tangible value of your offerings.

Interactive content libraries

Offer interactive whitepapers, e-books, or webinars specifically tailored for decision-makers. This not only positions your brand as a thought leader but also serves as a lead generation tool.

Comparison tools

Given the competitive tech landscape, customers often weigh options between providers. Provide a feature that allows them to compare your product’s features and benefits against competitors directly, highlighting your unique selling points.

Secure checkout and licensing portals

For products available for direct online purchase or licensing, ensure a secure, seamless, and user-friendly checkout experience. Simplify the licensing process and provide easy access to software downloads and activation tools.

Partner portals

Leverage the power of your partners with a dedicated portal that’s full of educational, informational, and inspirational content.

Retargeting and abandoned cart recovery

Not all visitors will convert immediately. Integrate tools to retarget visitors who showed interest or abandoned a purchase midway. Sending timely reminders or offering discounts can reignite their interest.

Analytics and feedback tools

Continuously refine your sales strategies by integrating analytical tools. Monitor visitor behaviour, capture feedback, and fine-tune your offerings accordingly.

Outdated website relics to abandon

In this era of rapid evolution, not everything matures like fine wine. Here are our top 3 features to avoid:

Flash animations

Once groundbreaking, these now belong to the past, often unsupported and out of sync with modern user expectations.

Autoplay videos

A resounding negative. These not only annoy users but also consume data, potentially deterring engagement.

Cluttered CMS navigation

Simplifying your sidebars is paramount. By keeping these elements stripped back to the essentials and with the content manager in mind, you empower those directly involved with keeping web and sales content up-to-date, indirectly enhancing the user experience.

Navigating the dos and don’ts 

Do… Champion user-centric design

Prioritise user experience with an empathetic mindset. Strive for intuitive navigation, rapid loading speeds, and mobile adaptability.

Do… Conduct rigorous testing

Every feature merits scrutiny. Subject your innovations to meticulous testing, incorporating user feedback to refine before launch.

Don’t… Succumb to feature overload

A crowded website doesn’t equate to a superior one. The art lies in maintaining equilibrium between utility and aesthetics.

Don’t… Disregard analytics insights

Harness the power of data-driven decisions. Regularly mine your analytics for insights that illuminate successes and highlight areas for improvement.

Website features directly impact your sales conversions

By leveraging a mix of innovative features, interactivity, and robust sales tools, tech giants can not only provide value but also steer potential clients seamlessly through the sales funnel. In an industry where every click counts, these website features are instrumental in driving sales and fostering lasting client relationships.

To learn more about our Sales Enablement tools, including our digital products, websites, and more, visit our Sales Enablement impact page.

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