Alex Calton is the Head of Client Services at Fuel Integrated. We asked her to share a few things about herself and life at Fuel.

What does a typical day look like for you and what are you currently working on?
I like to get into the office a little early – to get a head start – and give myself some thinking time to see what’s come in overnight and plan for the day. Also, I’m not the greatest ‘morning’ person, so need to load up on the caffeine before I’m safe to talk to people during our morning scrum.
What are you currently working on?
I’m currently talking with a couple of our great clients on some potential projects; an exciting, new campaign and how best to make it sustainable and targeted; adding value to an already great partner program; as well as operationalizing ongoing website support.
If you could switch jobs with someone, anyone, who would it be?
Probably someone in the Special Forces – that way I get to indulge in some of my favourite past times (fitness, scuba diving and carrying a gun) whilst working alongside the best of the best and getting paid for it.
How do you recharge at home?
See above : ) as well as reading, watching films, eating and drinking and catching up with friends – the usual stuff.
What movie or novel character do you most identify with?
Definitely Bridget Jones. Although, Villanelle (Killing Eve) would have to be my alter ego.
When are you the happiest?
When I’m pottering round the house or just back from a Sunday morning run.
What characteristic do you most admire in others?
Passion coupled with a ‘can do’ attitude and a pragmatic approach.
What one memory do you most treasure?
A family holiday to the US when I was small.
What super power would you like to have and why?
The ability to breathe under water – there’s a whole other world to explore.
What would a “perfect” day look like for you?
Cup of tea in bed followed by a run, then brunch, sofa or garden time with either tv and a book, maybe a nap, then opening a bottle of wine or cracking open the gin whilst I cook dinner for friends and light the log-burner as the sun goes down….
About the author.
Alex Calton is the Head of Client Services at Fuel Integrated.